
Crude Oil, Petroleum, Chemicals

  • Quality & Quantity Certification Services
  • Loading & Discharging Inspection
  • Loading & DischargingSupervision
  • Quality & Quantity Control Services
  • Off Shore Ship to Ship Transfer Inspection
  • Gas Free Inspection
  • Tank Cleaning Inspection
  • Sampling & Retention
  • Laboratory Services
  • Blending Supervision
  • Stock Monitoring
  • Tank Gauging
  • Bunker Surveys
  • Investigation of Cargo Discrepancies
  • Cargo Additive Treatment
  • Crude Assay
  • Petroleum Test
  • H2S Testing for Bunker Fuels (Hydrogen Sulfide)
  • Hydrogen Sulfide Management (H2S)
  • Hydrogen Sulfide Testing
  • Chemical Analysis
  • Gas Chromatography Testing
  • Element Analysis
  • Component Analysis
  • Investigation on theContaminant